
Luna Station Quarterly 053

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Luna Station Quarterly 053

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The promised rebirth of the sun is just over the next hill, and so, like incorruptible nature itself, LSQ returns for another season of scintillating stories by the best up and coming female identified talent in this or any other Spring kissed star system.

After over thirteen years and fifty plus issues, you know what we do by now. Fairy tales and future times bump up against myth and melancholy. Young women and old crones and shapeshifters and the angel of death all walk among these pages.

We hope you’ll walk among them as well.

This issue features stories by:
A. M. Young • Libby Heily • E.M. Gaucher • Chloe Smith • Holly Schofield • Anna Ziegelhof • Rebecca Harrison • B. B. Garin • V.J. Hamilton • Chelsea Catherine • Ruth Joffre • P. L. Watts • Anna Martino • Ann Wuehler • Shannon Roberts • Sam Lesek

Our gorgeous cover was created by:
Olivia Hintz

Of course you can read the stories for free online, but why not buy a copy of our fancy paperback edition?
Check out the links below to learn how.

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